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Differences between Spherium (SPHRI) and Only1 (LIKE)

The table comparing the strength of Spherium (SPHRI) and Only1 (LIKE), which helps you determine the potential value of Spherium (SPHRI) in the future based on the current value of Only1 (LIKE) and vice versa.

Criteria of comparison

Spherium Spherium (SPHRI)

Only1 Only1 (LIKE)

Price 0.0048473999 USD 0.0702626834 USD
( = 14.49 Spherium Price)
Supply N/A 331,159,918
Total supply 100,000,000 500,000,000
(= 5.00 Spherium Total supply)
Marketcap N/A USD

Rank 5492

23,268,184 USD

Rank 847

Volume 24h 8,456 USD 952,520 USD
Change 1h 0.17 % -0.37 %
Change 24h -5.58 % -0.40 %
Change 7d -7.20 % -24.31 %
Total trading pairs 6 More details 37 More details
Launched 05/2021 07/2021
Platform Ethereum Solana
Category Decentralized Exchange Dex Token, Staking, Lending Borowing, Exnetwork Capital Portfolio, Okx Ventures Portfolio, Marketplace, Communications Social Media, Ai Big Data, Collectibles Nfts, Entertainment, Social Token, Solana Ecosystem, Alameda Research Portfolio, Petrock Capital Portfolio, Animoca Brands Portfolio,
Chat room https://t.me/spheriumcommunity https://t.me/only1nft
Twitter https://twitter.com/spheriumfinance https://twitter.com/only1nft
Reddit https://reddit.com/r/Spherium-Finance/posts N/A

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