The table comparing the strength of Ross Ulbricht (ROSS) and Star Atlas DAO (POLIS), which helps you determine the potential value of Ross Ulbricht (ROSS) in the future based on the current value of Star Atlas DAO (POLIS) and vice versa.
Criteria of comparison | Ross Ulbricht (ROSS) |
Star Atlas DAO (POLIS) |
Price | 0.0169538612 USD | 0.1378417528 USD
( = 8.13 Ross Ulbricht Price) |
Supply | N/A | 273,921,473 |
Total supply | 1,000,000,000 | 360,000,000
(= 0.36 Ross Ulbricht Total supply) |
Marketcap | N/A USD
Rank 3437 |
37,757,816 USD
Rank 754 |
Volume 24h | 492,564 USD | 861,520 USD |
Change 1h | 1.94 % | 0.02 % |
Change 24h | -3.07 % | -10.75 % |
Change 7d | -32.33 % | -28.25 % |
Total trading pairs | 6 More details | 53 More details |
Launched | 11/2024 | 08/2021 |
Platform | Solana | Solana |
Category | Memes, Solana Ecosystem, | Collectibles Nfts, Gaming, Solana Ecosystem, Metaverse, Petrock Capital Portfolio, Play To Earn, |
Chat room | | | | | |
N/A | |
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➥ Compare Star Atlas DAO (POLIS) with other cryptocurencies here