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  4. Differences between PowerTrade Fuel (PTF) and Matrix AI Network (MAN)

Differences between PowerTrade Fuel (PTF) and Matrix AI Network (MAN)

The table comparing the strength of PowerTrade Fuel (PTF) and Matrix AI Network (MAN), which helps you determine the potential value of PowerTrade Fuel (PTF) in the future based on the current value of Matrix AI Network (MAN) and vice versa.

Criteria of comparison

PowerTrade Fuel PowerTrade Fuel (PTF)

Matrix AI Network Matrix AI Network (MAN)

Price 0.0125085807 USD 0.0354310726 USD
( = 2.83 PowerTrade Fuel Price)
Supply 23,311,586 444,976,493
(= 19.09 PowerTrade Fuel Supply)
Total supply 400,000,000 1,000,000,000
(= 2.50 PowerTrade Fuel Total supply)
Marketcap 291,595 USD

Rank 2202

15,765,994 USD

Rank 1031

Volume 24h 136,463 USD 298,130 USD
Change 1h -0.55 % 0.49 %
Change 24h -3.41 % -4.32 %
Change 7d 0.99 % 1.21 %
Total trading pairs 12 More details 15 More details
Launched 09/2020 01/2018
Platform Ethereum Matrix AI Network blockchain
Category Centralized Exchange, Defi, Derivatives, Insurance, Yield Farming, Options, Cms Holdings Portfolio, Framework Ventures Portfolio, Ledgerprime Portfolio, Pantera Capital Portfolio, Mineable, Platform, Ai Big Data, Collectibles Nfts, Identity, Iot, Smart Contracts, Hybrid Pow Dpos, Web3, Bnb Chain, Generative Ai, Layer 1, Depin,
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