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702.38 $
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  4. Differences between My Crypto Heroes (MCHC) and Knight War - The Holy Trio (KWS)

Differences between My Crypto Heroes (MCHC) and Knight War - The Holy Trio (KWS)

The table comparing the strength of My Crypto Heroes (MCHC) and Knight War - The Holy Trio (KWS), which helps you determine the potential value of My Crypto Heroes (MCHC) in the future based on the current value of Knight War - The Holy Trio (KWS) and vice versa.

Criteria of comparison

My Crypto Heroes My Crypto Heroes (MCHC)

Knight War - The Holy Trio Knight War - The Holy Trio (KWS)

Price 0.0721151778 USD 0.0001702280 USD
( = 0.00 My Crypto Heroes Price)
Supply 27,355,706 31,485,404
(= 1.15 My Crypto Heroes Supply)
Total supply 50,000,000 478,000,000
(= 9.56 My Crypto Heroes Total supply)
Marketcap 1,972,762 USD

Rank 1682

5,360 USD

Rank 2619

Volume 24h 388,209 USD 3,104 USD
Change 1h 3.11 % 0.27 %
Change 24h -2.05 % -1.15 %
Change 7d 3.35 % -3.70 %
Total trading pairs 33 More details 4 More details
Launched 05/2021 09/2021
Platform Ethereum BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)
Category , Vbc Ventures Portfolio,
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