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Differences between Kiwi Finance (KIWI) and Iclick inu (ICLICK)

The table comparing the strength of Kiwi Finance (KIWI) and Iclick inu (ICLICK), which helps you determine the potential value of Kiwi Finance (KIWI) in the future based on the current value of Iclick inu (ICLICK) and vice versa.

Criteria of comparison

Kiwi Finance Kiwi Finance (KIWI)

Iclick inu Iclick inu (ICLICK)

Price 0.0166958564 USD 0.0000000900 USD
( = 0.00 Kiwi Finance Price)
Supply N/A N/A
Total supply 250,000 50,000,000,000
(= 200,000.00 Kiwi Finance Total supply)
Marketcap N/A USD

Rank 9002


Rank 7610

Volume 24h N/A USD 46 USD
Change 1h 0.00 % 0.00 %
Change 24h 0.00 % -16.30 %
Change 7d 0.00 % -69.12 %
Total trading pairs 5 More details 5 More details
Launched 03/2021 07/2023
Platform BNB Smart Chain (BEP20) Ethereum
Category Bnb Chain, ,
Chat room https://t.me/kiwifinance https://t.me/iclickinu
Twitter https://twitter.com/kiwifinance_bsc https://twitter.com/iclickinu
Reddit N/A N/A

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