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71,457 $
▲ 0.28%
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3,812 $
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0.999459 $
▼ -0.03%
702.93 $
▼ -2.45%
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171.40 $
▼ -0.84%
1.00 $
▲ 0.02%
0.525428 $
▼ -0.21%
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0.160198 $
▼ -1.87%
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7.45 $
▲ 1.60%
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0.486718 $
▲ 5.58%
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0.000025 $
▼ -2.56%
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36.53 $
▼ -0.57%
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7.22 $
▼ -0.21%
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17.53 $
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514.66 $
▲ 3.88%
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  4. Differences between Boson Protocol (BOSON) and First Digital USD (FDUSD)

Differences between Boson Protocol (BOSON) and First Digital USD (FDUSD)

The table comparing the strength of Boson Protocol (BOSON) and First Digital USD (FDUSD), which helps you determine the potential value of Boson Protocol (BOSON) in the future based on the current value of First Digital USD (FDUSD) and vice versa.

Criteria of comparison

Boson Protocol Boson Protocol (BOSON)

First Digital USD First Digital USD (FDUSD)

Price 0.4706799908 USD 1.00 USD
( = 2.13 Boson Protocol Price)
Supply 129,446,075 3,237,001,155
(= 25.01 Boson Protocol Supply)
Total supply 200,000,000 3,237,001,155
(= 16.19 Boson Protocol Total supply)
Marketcap 60,927,677 USD

Rank 599

3,239,729,939 USD

Rank 35

Volume 24h 1,179,976 USD 7,768,940,016 USD
Change 1h 0.22 % 0.02 %
Change 24h -0.59 % -0.02 %
Change 7d -4.98 % 0.15 %
Total trading pairs 49 More details 105 More details
Launched 03/2021 07/2023
Platform Ethereum Ethereum
Category Marketplace, Collectibles Nfts, E Commerce, Payments, Metaverse, Exnetwork Capital Portfolio, Play To Earn, Real World Assets, Stablecoin, Ethereum Ecosystem, Binance Smart Chain, Usd Stablecoin, Fiat Stablecoin,
Chat room https://t.me/bosonprotocol N/A
Twitter https://twitter.com/BosonProtocol https://twitter.com/FDLabsHQ
Reddit N/A N/A

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