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  4. Differences between Blockchain Foundation for Innovation & Collaboration (BFIC) and Triall (TRL)

Differences between Blockchain Foundation for Innovation & Collaboration (BFIC) and Triall (TRL)

The table comparing the strength of Blockchain Foundation for Innovation & Collaboration (BFIC) and Triall (TRL), which helps you determine the potential value of Blockchain Foundation for Innovation & Collaboration (BFIC) in the future based on the current value of Triall (TRL) and vice versa.

Criteria of comparison

Blockchain Foundation for Innovation & Collaboration Blockchain Foundation for Innovation & Collaboration (BFIC)

Triall Triall (TRL)

Price 6.29 USD 0.0037917755 USD
( = 0.00 Blockchain Foundation for Innovation & Collaboration Price)
Supply 10,578,424 42,365,415
(= 4.00 Blockchain Foundation for Innovation & Collaboration Supply)
Total supply 21,000,000 175,000,000
(= 8.33 Blockchain Foundation for Innovation & Collaboration Total supply)
Marketcap 66,497,530 USD

Rank 574

160,640 USD

Rank 2315

Volume 24h 4,918,963 USD 32 USD
Change 1h 0.65 % 0.00 %
Change 24h 1.83 % 0.00 %
Change 7d -6.77 % -8.38 %
Total trading pairs 12 More details 11 More details
Launched 03/2022 10/2021
Platform Blockchain Foundation for Innovation & Collaboration blockchain Ethereum
Category , Health, Ai Big Data, Desci,
Chat room https://t.me/bficoinofficialgroup https://t.me/triallcommunity
Twitter https://twitter.com/BfiCoin https://twitter.com/triallofficial
Reddit N/A https://reddit.com/r/TriallEcosystem

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