The table comparing the strength of Algorand (ALGO) and Jagotrack ($JAGO), which helps you determine the potential value of Algorand (ALGO) in the future based on the current value of Jagotrack ($JAGO) and vice versa.
Criteria of comparison | Algorand (ALGO) |
Jagotrack ($JAGO) |
Price | 0.3963974457 USD | 0.0000408545 USD
( = 0.00 Algorand Price) |
Supply | 8,335,567,092 | N/A (= 0.00 Algorand Supply) |
Total supply | 10,000,000,000 | 1,000,000,000
(= 0.10 Algorand Total supply) |
Marketcap | 3,304,197,503 USD
Rank 43 |
Rank 6953 |
Volume 24h | 468,562,374 USD | 332 USD |
Change 1h | -0.16 % | 0.00 % |
Change 24h | 15.95 % | 0.16 % |
Change 7d | 12.88 % | -7.50 % |
Total trading pairs | 321 More details | 1 More details |
Launched | 06/2019 | 08/2024 |
Platform | Algorand blockchain | Base |
Category | Pos, Platform, Research, Smart Contracts, Arrington Xrp Capital Portfolio, Kenetic Capital Portfolio, Usv Portfolio, Multicoin Capital Portfolio, Exnetwork Capital Portfolio, Layer 1, Dwf Labs Portfolio, Alleged Sec Securities, | Memes, |
Chat room | | | | | | | N/A |
➥ Compare Algorand (ALGO) with other cryptocurencies here
➥ Compare Jagotrack ($JAGO) with other cryptocurencies here